Role breakdown:
The Boy (Matt)
18, an innocent young man; baritone/tenor.(A – high G)
The Girl (Luisa)
16, a romantic idealist; soprano (A below middle C – high C)
The Narrator (El Gallo)
30-40-ish, a rakish, handsome gallant; baritone (A-flat – high G)
The Boy’s Father (Hucklebee)
former navy man, meticulous gardener; baritone (A – high F-sharp)
The Girl’s Father (Bellomy)
a button merchant, also a picky gardener; baritone (A – high F-sharp)
The Actor (Henry)
an aging, over-the-top thespian (non-singing)
The Man Who Dies (Mortimer)
Henry’s goofy sidekick (non-singing)
The Mute,
a speechless presence who watches, acts as the wall,” and so on.
Male or female.