
Welcome to The Fantasticks
Original Production Official Website

The Fantasticks opened on May3, 1960 and played 17,162 performances before closing January 13, 2002.

The new revival is currently running at the Snapple Theatre in NYC


Cast Replacement List (In alphabetical order)
*Name in bold indicates original performer in role.
+Indicates cast member on closing performance.

The Narrator (El Gallo)
Jerry Orbach*
George Lee Andrews
Joe Bellomo
Matthew Bennett
Donald Billett
Paul Blankenship
John Boni
Lance Brodie
Roger Alan Brown
David Brummel
Jim Charles
Keith Charles
Douglas Clark
Bert Convy
Jack Crowder
David Cryer
John Cunningham
David Edwards+
Joseph Galiano
Robert Goss

Nils Hedrick
Chris Invar
Kenneth Kantor
Michael Licata
Steve McDonough
Jack Metter
Kim Moore
Richard Muenz
Roger Neil
George Ogee
Sal Provenza
David Rexroad
Chapman Roberts
Hal Robinson
Gene Rupert
John Savarese
Robert Vincent Smith
David Snell
Don Stewart
Michael Tartel
Tom Urich
Martin Vidnovic

The Girl (Luisa)
Rita Gardner*
Leta Anderson
Jennifer Lee Andrews
Judy Blazer
Elizabeth Bruzzese
Alice Cannon
Kristin Chenoweth
Elizabeth Cherry
Glory Crampton
Karen Culliver
Carole Demas
Ann Fisher
Eileen Fulton
Virginia Gregory
Lorrie Harrison
Natasha Harper+
Erin Hill
Cheryl Home
Carla Huston
Leilani Johnson
Betsy Joslyn
Anne Kaye

Beverly Lambert
Royce Lenella
Christine Long
Debbie McLeod
Carolyn Mignini
Kathy Morath
Marty Morris
Allison Munn
Amy Niles
Caryn Ann Osofsky
Sarah Rice
Gina Schuh-Turner
Heather Spore
Liza Stuart
Kate Suber
Kathy Vestuto
B.J. Ward
Sharon Werner
Katie White
Marilyn Whitehead
Joan Wiest
The Boy (Matt)
Kenneth Nelson*
Matthew Bennett
Paul Blankenship
Jack Blockton
Ralph Bruneau
Gino Conforti
Craig Corneilla
Bruce Cryer
Jimmy Dodge
Evan Farmer
David Gebel
Richard Gervais
Paul Giovanni
Jeremy Ellison-Gladstone+
Michael Glenn-Smith
Charles Hagerty
Erik Howell
Phil Killian
Jeff Knight
Gary Krawford
Howard Lawrence
Richard Lincoln
Ty McConnell
Steve McDonough
Eric Meyersfield
Kim Moore
Bill Perlach
Sam Ratclifte
Peter Reckell
Richard Roland
Richard Rothbard
Christopher Seppe
Steve Skiles
Bob Spencer
Geoffrey Taylor
The Boy’s Father (Hucklebee)
William Larsen*
F. Murray Abraham
Donald Babcock
Charles Blackburn
Ira Joe Fisher

Richard P. Gang
Edward Garrabrandt
Charles Goff
Philip Baker Hall
Jay Hampton
Gordon G. Jones
David Keiserman
Richard A. Kennerson
Kenneth Kimmins
Richard Kinter
Tom Lacy
Dick Latassa
Lore Noto
Dale O’Brien
Ed Penn
George Riddle
David Sabin
Ray Stewart
Hansford Rowe
Bill Weeden+
Charles Welch
The Girl’s Father (Bellomy)
Hugh Thomas*
Arthur Anderson
Charles Blackburn
Maurice Edwards
Charles Goff
Byron Grant
John High
Conzalo Madurga
John J. Martin
John Martin
Michael Mulheren
Ken Parker
Henry Quinn
Jerry Russak
Jack Schmidt
Ray Stewart
William Tost+
Sy Travers
David Vaughan
David Vogal
The Actor (Henry)
Thomas Bruce* (stage name for author Tom Jones)
F. Murray Abraham
Hugh Alexander
Donald Babcock
Matthew Bennett
Ed Gall
Franco Geraci
Justin Gray
Stanley Jay
Jay Hampton
John Hefferman
J. C. Hoyt+
Bryan Hull
Elliot Levine
Russell Lieb
Lowry Miller
Robert Molnar
Gary Nairns
Seamus O’Brien
Ron Prather
George Riddle
Geronimo Sands
Curt Williams
The Man Who Dies (Mortimer)
George Curley*
Samuel Assaid
Donald Babcock
Matthew Bennett
Joel Bernstein
Peter Blaxill
John Bundrick+
James Cook
Ed Garrabrandt
Richard Kuss
Jay Hampton
Bryan Hull
Richard A. Kennerson
Tom Lacy
Earl Levine
William McIntyre
Michael Nostrand
Liam O’Begley
Robert Oliver
Don Pomes
Bill Preston
Curt Williams
Robert Worms
The Mute (Mute)
Richard Stauffer*
Richard Barrie
Matthew Bennett
Paul Blankenship
Robert Brigham
Douglas Clark
Jim Charles
James Cook
Robert Crest
Glenn Davish
Dan Delafield
Jake Dengel
Jay Douglas
Kathy Faul
Tom Flagg
David Gebel
Frano Geraci
Richard Gervais
Alan Hemingway
Steve McDonough
Kim Moore+
Ron Prather
Peter Reckell
Robert Schrock
Les Shenkel
Richard Thayer
John Thomas Waite
The Handyman
Jay Hampton*
George Drake
Richard Drake
and anyone who took a notion to play it.
The role was written out of the show.
The Pianist
Julian Stein*
Nancy Ford
Wally Harper
Jack Lee
William F. McDaniel
Dorothy Martin
Gregory Martindale
Jeremie Michael+
Jimmy Roberts
Penna Rose
Jeff Saver
Kim Douglas Steiner
Norman Weiss
Ethyl Will
The Harpist
Beverly Mann*
Nancy Allen
Pattee Cohen
Saul Davis
Elizabeth Etters
Henry Fannelli
Sally Foster
Nanette Norton
Winifred Wynné Starks
Andre Tarantiles
Hank Whitmire+

The Fantasticks Ended Its 42-year Run On January 13, 2002

A standing-room-only audience packed into the Sullivan Street Playhouse for performance number 17, 162, clearly enjoying the two-act musical from the opening number, “Try to Remember,” to the emotional curtain call.

“It’s only closing here, “Producer Tony Noto (the son of Lore Noto, the shows original produce) said. “It’s going to run for a hundred years, for a thousand years, elsewhere. The play is just closing as a New York institution, but it will live long after us.”

Tom Jones said that he felt no sadness at the final performance.

“So many good shows don’t run for three weeks,” he said. “You can’t be sad for a show that ran for so many years and so many people know and love.”

The Guestbook Volume 2

October 22, 2001
“Just a quick note to say thank you to the cast and crew at the Sullivan Street Playhouse. You truly make magic in this wonderful show.”
October 20, 2001
“My sister and my mother, myself, and a friend–respectively hailing from Los Angeles, western Mass, and Manhattan–converged on the Sullivan Street last Saturday as a birthday present for me (we were the obnoxious party who took so many pictures at intermission). It was the most wonderful two hours I’ve had in all my nineteen years. “The Fantasticks” is a perfect show. I feel so lucky that I was able to see it before it closed. The souvenir poster I proudly have on my dorm wall makes me sigh. Thank you all so very much–great website, too!”
October 13, 2001
I’ve seen the Fantasticks at the Sullivan Street Playhouse twice so far, and am working on the third. Both experiences were absolutely magical- the first time with Evan Farmer as the boy, and the second with Max von Essen. I am really sorry to hear about the closing; the show will be missed by people of all ages, all over the world! Thanks for the memories!”
October 11, 2001
In high school I became a Fantasticks Fanatic…I played Luisa in the production that our high school put on…I was and still am a true Fantasticks Fanatic…”
October 08, 2001
I recently found out that the director of “The Fantasticks,” Word Baker, was from Honey Grove. I grew up here and went to school here and never knew that the man that brought this magical story to life came from my own home town. I never met him, but I really wish I had. I am now a theatre major in a near-by college and I hope to make theatre my career as well. I just wanted to drop a note to the people of the cast and those running the show just to say a 21 year old actor from Honey Grove, TX knows you are there; and wishes he could come ands see the show…IF he had a way! =) BREAK MANY LEGS…and even though the show may close this comming January, I am sure the memory of THE FANTASTICKS will live on for many many ages to come…”
October 06, 2001
I am deeply saddened that the show will be closing. we will never have to “try to remember” the Fantasticks, because it will always be in our hearts.”
October 04, 2001
I am a strong supporter of musical theatre-and wanted to beg you not to close the show!!! The show has been running as long as the Energizer Bunny(and yet you never see the Bunny stopping for a coffee break)Beautiful Music!!! “
October 01, 2001
We just saw the play for the 1st time, with a busload from the public tv station, travelling to Cedar City UT; for a wedding anniversary outing. We’ve been together for 15 years, have known eachother since we were Matt and Luisa’s ages. We rambled through phases of times together, apart and together again. What a timeless piece! We tried to explain it to teenage children, will find a video…At this time our oldest/ first daughter is leaving home for college (sigh) son has a growing thirst for the road beyond familiar ones….and of course, the symbolism with our WTC tragedy… Break a leg in the final performances! (consider keeping it going, even traveling out this way, tho, if possible.)”
September 25, 2001
I first saw the Fantasticks with my High School Drama teacher about 6 years ago, and have seen it three times since. The simple beauty and uniqueness of the entire experience at Sullivan Street is one I will never forget. I hope to be in the audience the Friday night of closing weekend, and I’m sure its going to be a bittersweet experience….the subtle brilliance of The Fantasticks should be shared with someone you love, or want to love … “
September 25, 2001
I don’t ~really~ believe that anyone down there will read my email, and if anyone does…well…I think you’re probably as helpless as I am. You don’t ~want~ to close, you ~have~ to. So, today, I:
1. Got tix to three performances of “The Fantasticks” in NYC. (Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 Matinee and Evening.)
2. Got plane tix.
3. Made hotel reservations.
If you must close, then The Mountain Must Come To Mohammed before you do. I still hope you read my email of suggestions, and “follow” one of them…SAVE this precious gem of a show!”
September 24, 2001
I have sent a long email regarding the closing, but it amounts to this:
If “The Fantasticks,” closes, no heart will ever be “hollow” again.”
September 21, 2001
Is there any way to get in touch with the harpist ?(original cast or current)”
September 20, 2001
Please, please, PLEASE don’t close!”
September 20, 2001
There have been greater shows, greater songs, greater performances, but no musical in the history of the theater has touched the lives of so many people so profoundly as has “The Fantasticks”. Your creation has been an integral part of my life for almost forty years.

I’m coming to New York one more time, just to see your show. Thank you for the experience, and, don’t worry, our hearts will remember and follow.”

September 20, 2001
My husband and I fell in love 35 years ago in Oklahoma seeing Th Fantasticks. We have seen many other productions of this great musical over the years and still love it. Our 35th anniversary is coming up and we want to see it again. Are there any productions anywhere else besides New York? I thought there was one going on in Hartford. Thank you, Elizabeth”
December 03, 2000
My fondest wish has just been granted: I’ve been cast in The Fantasticks in the tiny town of Newport, WA. As a 40-something woman, this is a dream not expected to be realized but I’ve been cast in the role of Hucklebee. After three failed attempts, my husband is finally playing El Gallo. The rest of the cast looks incredible-strong singers and actors. You never know what you’re going to get in community theatre; we’re delighted.

I first saw The Fantasticks at Ft. Huachuca, AZ when I was nine years old. My only memory of the show itself is “They’re beating a man in a monkey suit!” but I remembered much of the music and sang it for years. (For some reason they handed out ditto sheets of the lyrics for many of the songs.) I’m so sorry to hear that the run is closing after so many years. It has been a dream of mine to see it at the Sullivan Theatre.”

September 17, 2001
One of my favorite shows to watch, and absolutely my favorite to play. I’m a harpist, could there be any other show? I was so disappointed to hear “The Fantasticks” was shutting its doors forever at Sullivan Street. The City will never be the same.”
September 12, 2001
Always Follow follow follow! Because you must always try to remeber how to plant a radish because plums are too ripe! Hehe! Love the show, keep up the “fantastick” work!”
September 11, 2001
I love The Fantasticks!”
September 11, 2001
Oh my god! I can’t believe the show is actually closing. Surely something can be done to stop this after-all it’s not just your average limited-run show is it.”
September 07, 2001
I would have loved to see the original cast in 1960. As a matter of fact, I would love to have seen any of the casts over the past 5 decades. Fortune would have it that I would not be able to go to the Sullivan St. Playhouse and see this wonderful play as it should be seen but I do congratulate all of you who have been able to realize that dream. From those whom I know that have seen it over the years not one has ever had a bad word. A great play in a great playhouse. It’s much like the Resurrection…just because I haven’t seen it personally doesen’t make it any less great. As the show comes to a close I only hope what follows will be something worthy of standing in the shoes of a giant.”
September 06, 2001
On Valentines Day 1968, I took my love to see the Fantasticks. It sings directly to the heart.25 years later, I took my 17 year-old daughter to see it. It still had the warmth, brightness and freshness of the original. Today, I spoke to Parkinson’s Disease patients and their caretakers about how music sparks memories and ease burdens and adversity. I shared this story.Played and sang “Try to Remember”. While my voice is flawed, the moment was filled with joy and love. My wife came up and we sang and danced and cried…along with each person there. I heard a rumor that the show might be closing. I hope not, because a have a grandson whose only four and I want him to take him as a teenager.Thank you for a marvelous memory repeated in our hearts and minds a thousand times.”
September 06, 2001
I was just reading the New York Times and saw an article that the Fantasticks was ending it’s run soon… I can’t believe it!!! I love the Fantasticks, I’m going to have to see it another time or two before it closes…. I wish it didn’t have to close, it’s such an amazing show!”
September 06, 2001
I can still remember the first time I heard the music from The Fantasticks. This show is beautiful and timeless – with each passing year, the message of the show seems to deepen for me. I am saddened to hear of the Sullivan Street’s closing of the production, but am glad to know that somewhere in the world, this show will always be going on. It has meant a great deal to my life, and I am so thankful for everyone who has had a part in its success.”
September 06, 2001
THE FANTASTICKS, to me, is one of those shows that I always go back to. Having played Mortimer in college, and Matt at age 31(!) — and seeing my first production of THE FANTASTICKS at the age of 10, I can truly say I have “known” the show the majority of my life. After seeing CATS years ago, the first show I got tix for afterwards was THE FANTASTICKS — just to sit there at the Sullivan St. Playhouse and “feel” a show, for a change.

So sad to hear that this little gem is closing. I remember when A CHORUS LINE closed, and it was strange: what else could possibly play at the Schubert besides ACL? The same for THE FANTASTICKS. It’s a landmark. And we’ll miss it.”

September 06, 2001
I read today with some sadness in the online edition of the NY Daily News that the play would be ending its New York run in January 2002. I would like to thank everyone connected with the creation of “The Fantasticks” for helping me begin a love affair with musical theatre. I first saw the play at The Citadel Theatre in Edmonton, Alberta in 1989, and with that experience, I have concluded there is no other forum in performance that excites the senses more than musical theatre.

One of my most memorable experiences in theatre was to finally go to New York in January 1999, and be able to go to the Sullivan Street Theater to take in a production there. Thank you for awakening a lifetime appreciation of not only musical theatre, but live theatre as well.”

September 06, 2001
The Fantasticks was the first off-Broadway show I had ever attended. My theatre class filled almost every seat during a class trip in 1969. To this day it remains my fondest theatre memory (including the many shows I have been in or worked on since). It is like going home, a place that always has to be there. For me the Fantasticks at the Sullivan Street Playhouse is the home of theatre, the place that where theatre will always live in our hearts.

Just having gotten married recently one of the things I had looked forward to was introducing my wife to the Fantasticks (she’s from Russia, so she’s never heard or seen it). I’d like to think it would still be playing to introduce our grandchildren to theatre as well……….

One can only hope………..


September 05, 2001
I knew it had to happen someday- but I can’t really belive that the day is actually here. The Fantasticks is closing! I wish it weren’t so, but since it is, I would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to all involved in this wonderful production. It is truly a great piece of American Theatre history and you all should be pleased with what you have accomplished. I just wish that I could have been there with you, as I have always hoped to play Louisa at the Sullivan Street Playhouse. Thank You again.”
September 05, 2001
So, I go the AP story in the mail telling me that The Fantasticks is closing! We can’t let that happen! In 1986 the show was going to close and the audience and fans said “NO!” So, I say we all get organized and keep this show going!!! Get as many people as possible to see the show! Please, e-mail me (TodeNema@aol.com) and hopefully, we can keep this timeless show playing forever!”
September 02, 2001
I played El Gallo in the Original New York production for hundreds of performances since June 1999…it has been one of the happiest experiences of my career…and one I am most proud of. I am always delighted to go back…the freshness of the show never ceases to amaze me, and the audience reaction never fails to prove the magic and uniqueness of live theatre”
August 31, 2001
I am playing the harp part in a local production and i have a lever harp . is there an arrangement for the lever harP”
August 30, 2001
I was assigned to research this music for my History of Musical Theater class, and I am really excited to get started! It’s a ‘fantastick’ production!!”
August 28, 2001
I saw the show on a Sunday afternoon (@The Sullivan St. Playhouse) in the 1970’s and was delighted. I immediatedly got the cast album and now I also have The ‘Japan Tour’.
Long may it run. It was wonderful theatre.”
August 22, 2001
I 1st heard about the play on Joe Franklin’s Memory Lane radio show on WOR recently. I can’t wait to see this play which can be considered an historical landmark in itself! Then it’s off to Joe’s restaurant! Good Luck!!”
August 20, 2001
I saw The Fantasticks first in 1961, when I first visited New York. It was great! I then saw it again in 1995 (fancy that!) and 1997: it was still great! Thank you!”
August 02, 2001
I also saw in the Times theatre listings the “Final Weeks?” line. I had the pleasure to meet Lore Noto this year and tell him how appreciative so many people were that the show continued to run. It’s too bad that so many people visiting New York have to see a “real Broadway” show, and, in doing so miss out on seeing a show which is certainly better than or equal to any of the shows in the big houses. Perhaps the Mayor, in one of his last official acts, can declare the Sullivan Street Playhouse AND The Fantasticks a historical landmark and preserve not only a piece of theatre history and New York City history, but a show that continues to both touch established fans and delight new ones.”
July 30, 2001
I saw the Fantasticks for the first time at the end of March, but this is my first time to the website and I had to post a message. I went to see the show on a Friday evening with my school choir because we were in the city for a rehearsal(we performed at Carnegie Hall on April 1st! What an experience..). My choir teacher suggested the play and we agreed on it. I can’t express how thankful I am to her that she decided to have us see this show. I love it! It was absolutely amazing and I’m planning on coming in again to see it hopefully before the summer’s end! Thank you for continuing with the magic.. it’s amazing! (My good friend and I decided that our ultimate goal is to be in this play together when we get older.. it’s amazing!)”
July 30, 2001
I just read in the paper that there is a possibility “Fantasticks” is closing and I am extremely upset. “Fantasticks” has come to mean so much to the people of the city of New York – I can’t even imagine walking down Sullivan Street and not seeing that big white and purple sign! I know that this show, like everything else must come to an end some day, but this is not the time. I beg you to do whatever is necessary to save this show once again, as you’ve done so many times in the past. And if anyone knows ANYTHING AT ALL that the public and theatrical community can do to help this matter (letter writing, fundraising, etc.) please WRITE A LETTER TO THIS GUESTBOOK AND TELL US! This show came into existence with a huge amount of love and sacrifice – please let us help keep it running.”
July 28, 2001
I’ve seen it at the Sullivan Street Playhouse in NY and in numerous professional and amateur productions around the country and it is magic. Always has been, always will be. ‘They were you’ a great resolution piece, my favorite in the show. Listened to Barbara Cook’s tribute to Gower Champion cd on which she identifies that song as his favorite as well. I will definitely go out of my way to see it again.

The dvd is FINALLY out, but I wish they had not tampered with the play as much by leaving out scenes. Excellent cast.”

July 19, 2001
I played Luisa in “The Fantasticks”this past school year. Although I had never heard of the Fantasticks before my audition, I know love the show. My favorite part is that there is no real star. Every one is on the stage for about the same length of time. The music was beautiful. Our high school did something a little unusual with the show, we made the girl’s father, a mother. We just had so much talent that we decided to alter the show a bit, but the message and intent of the show was still found and kept in the hearts of everyone in the audience for a long time afterward. Thank you for writing such a wonderful show.”
July 18, 2001
Watching “The Fantasticks” was as simplistically beautiful as opening a Christmas present a day early…Tears ran down my face, but I didn’t even realize it until after the show had ended. A thousand thanks to a beautiful cast…March 21, 2001.”
July 13, 2001
I just saw the Fantasticks again at the Sullivan Street Playhouse in NYC after an absence of 20 years to this city I love so very much. This might be my favorite musical–the simplicity, the mixture of innocence and wisdom. I will not wait another 20 years before seeing it again. Thank you for a beautiful night.”
July 10, 2001
I attended the 7/8/01 3pm performance. It was my 6th time I have seen ‘The Fantasticks’ in New York. I’ve lost count on how many high school and community productions I’ve seen.

It was of course – wonderful.

Thanks for the magic!!”

July 09, 2001
I love the Fantasticks and have seen both the film starring Jonathon Morris and also the UK production also starring Jon. One of these days I would love to come out there and see it in the USA. In the meantime take a look at my website with it’s photos from our version of the Fantasticks. My url is http://www.dreamwater.org/tracylockett/ Maybe one day Jon could play his part on the stage out there. That would be a sight I would not want to miss. Count me in – front row every show!”
July 05, 2001
Okay, I said a year ago, in the 1st guestbook, id actually move to NY and audition for The Fantasticks, well Im here. I guess Ill always be a Fantastick.”
July 05, 2001
I watched the play like two months ago, and i just loved it so much!!! Matt, the boy was very cute in it, i must say. I am 15 years old, and i really liked the role of the girl in it. I hope this play lasts more! Also, i was doing little skits of the play for my school with our acting class, and I love it so much!!”
July 02, 2001
I just had the pleasure of playing Bellomy in a community theatre production of “The Fantasticks” (we did four shows this weekend). I had played the part the summer after I finished college, but that was 20 years ago. It was less of a stretch for the audience this time than it was when they had to believe a 22 year old guy had a 16 year old daughter (who was played by a 23 year old girl)! Hope to see the show in NYC sometime–“
June 28, 2001
I saw The Fantasticks in December of 2000 on a “NY trip” with my school music dept. Our Director has been making this trip for years where the kids see many shows, but of all the shows we saw, i was astonished and amazed at this one. Later in the spring we found out that the summer production that we put on every year would be THE FANTASTICKS! I had to be in on the show whether i be casted or just lighting, i didn’t care. I had the honor of being an El Gallo’s in our double casted performance which is in three weeks. I just want to thank Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt and everyone who has worked on this fantastic show(no pun intended). “Oh, I nearly forgot”, if anyone wants to see the show, we open July 19, email me for more details. God Bless! Sincerely,”
June 20, 2001
Hey, its me again from down there… I just wanted to say I love theatre and I could sooooooooooo play he part of Matt. I happen to think I look like a perfect matt and the music is right in my key. I wish some of the community theatre places here would do it becouse id be the first to audition!!! as soon as i get back to New York im seeing this.. I loved The Phantom and The lion king but The fantasticks im REALLY excited about!!!!”
June 20, 2001
I rented the fantasticks to watch it and I absolutly loved it. Its like nothing else. Its perfect. If theres anything id want to do it would be to see it in New York. I regret missing it when I went last april. I can remember that kind of september!!!”

The Guestbook Volume 1

January 23, 2001
This has always been one of my favorite shows to watch for the 1st time I am in it playing Bellamy. Any suggestions?”
January 21, 2001
I saw the Fantasticks last night and loved it!! The music, the acting, and the story were great. I am 14 and could relate to Luisa completely. Charles Hagerty, you were terrific! Thank you all for a magical experience!”
January 17, 2001
I haven’t seen The Fantasticks before. But, I am playing the part of Matt in our city group. I must admit, I was a little skeptical of the part at first, mainly b/c I haven’t even heard of the musical. But when I got the music to it, I was hooked!! I love the songs “Soon It’s Gonna Rain” and “Metaphor.” We perform it on Feb. 16th and 17th here in Selma. I can’t wait!”
January 15, 2001
I must admit I have never seen “The Fantasticks.” Many of my friends have seen it, and for most of the ones who have it is their favorite show. My college (Gardner-Webb University- Whoo hoo! ) is doing the Fantasticks at the end of March, and I got the role I wanted! I am going to be playing Matt.. Though I haven’t seen the show, I’m already in love with it. I have the original cast soundtrack, and I have fallen in love w/ the music. I have done both Grease and Godspell, both of which are more rock musicals, so the music will be so refreshing. I’m just ecstatic w/ excitement. If anyone has any pointers for me when I play Matt email them to me!!! I’ll appreciate it.”
January 12, 2001
I had the luck, and honor, to see “The Fantasticks” performed at the Sullivan Street Playhouse several months ago. The intimate nature of the theatre coupled with the oh-so delicate, beautiful fabric of the show, absolutely floored me. The performance took me away, and I laughed, cried, and exalted in the triumphs and pitfalls of the characters. The collective work of the actors was incredible. They told the story with such truth; the wonderful music propelled the plot into the sublime. Several months later, I had the privilege of playing ‘Matt’ in my college’s production (an incredible experience as an actor). I’ll always Remember the subtleties, depth, originality, and beauty of “The Fantasticks,” and can’t wait to either see it, or be a part of it, again.”
January 06, 2001
Many fond memories of Sullivan Street and the wonderful people there. Bless them all and continued success.”
December 30, 2000
Last spring (March 2000) Riverside High School had it’s first production of The Fantasticks. I played Mortimer and had the time of my life. The interesting thing is that my counterpart, Henry, was played by a talinted GIRL By the name of Kristen Gurbach. We realy had a lot of fun with the production, and much to my suprise I was nominated for best Malr Sub-Suport in a musical, for the Rotary Theater Award.”
December 28, 2000
I had the great pleasure of playing Bellamy In a community theatre production around 1980. This show is a great joy to watch and perform.”
December 26, 2000
Wow! Last November we put on the Fantasticks and we took it to the Pennsylvania State thespian conference where we opened the conference with our production of the Fantaskticks. We had an extremely talented cast and absolutely Fantastick director …Marlene! we thank her for all her hard work and patience with us!I played Amos Babcock Bellomy! i was lucky later on in my senior year to direct Godspell! The Fantasticks is one play I will always remeber deep in December! Love you forever! “
December 26, 2000
December 25, 2000
This is a great website! I love this show, I am a teenager and when I saw this show I felt as if every feeling I had ever had about love and my “then” boyfriend was put to music and words! This show fully expresses the beauty and passion that one feels when they find someone to care and love! And ever though things end and we make stupid mistakes, we realize that and we grow and learn! Thats the great thing! We learn, about ourselves and the “US” that comes when we find someone to love! “SOON IT’S GONNA RAIN” is one of the most simple and beautiful songs, and I truly describes how, you really only need love to make you whole and complete! I hope this show runs for many years to come, because I can only hope that my children can witness such beauty!!”
December 21, 2000
we put the beans in our ears for a reason…”
December 19, 2000
Wow! I love The Fantasticks and now here here I am signing the guestbook. I played the part of Luisa in a production at the Buxton Opera House and Derby Playhouse, England in 1989 and I can honestly say it was one of the best and most enjoyable shows I have ever been in. I wish the company in the USA and any group who is currently performing the show all the best. Long may the show continue and if I ever get across the seas to NY it will be my first stop. Best wishes Helen Illingworth-Brown”
December 07, 2000
HEY! This website is AWESOME! My high school is putting on a production of THE FANTASTICKS in TWO days!!! I play the mute and love this show to death! Its a great show and anybody who hasn’t seen it, email me and I’ll get you info on our show!!!”
December 03, 2000
Hello, What can I say? I love the Fantasticks with all my heart. I was given the opportunity to direct it as a senior project, and I fell in love with it upon first read (without even hearing the music!) The process and the performances were just wonderful, and the show itself is beautiful. It has everything a musical should have. I thank Mr. Jones and Mr. Schmidt for writing and producing The Fantasticks. Sometimes I feel they wrote it just for me. What was even more fun was watching people fall into the magic of The Fantasticks because of my show. It was great. The Fantasticks is life itself. Again, my thanks to the writers. My heart is ever found in this gorgeous show. Someday I hope with my soul that I can perform in the Sullivan Street Production. Best wishes,”
December 03, 2000
Finally! A Fantasticks website!! I was lucky enough to play The Girl down on Sullivan Street for almost 2 years. This show means so much to me and has given me a real home away from home. I also directed a production of The Fantasticks at Young Actors Theatre in 1998 and had the time of my life. This gave me an entirely new appreciation for the show and the lessons it teaches in the different seasons of our lives. I am very anxious to direct The Fantasticks again, so if anyone needs a director let me know! I think it’s an incredible show to do with young people especially – it gives them a taste of the magic that can exist in theatre without all the spectacle. Less is so much more!”
December 01, 2000
Congratulations on the milestone! I played The Mute in a Pittsburgh area production about four years ago. Before rehearsing, my buddy Ron (who played Hucklebee) and I saw the show in NYC and met the cast, including Paul Blankenship and Gordon Jones, who were playing our roles off-Broadway. Two nicer people you couldn’t hope to meet, and the show was great. I’ve seen it twice since, and it’s always like the first time. I only wish the movie would have come to Pittsburgh. Maybe video or DVD?”
November 21, 2000
FANTASTICK! I am so excited to have a chance to do this grand, if not the grandest, pure musical EVER. I played Matt a few years ago, and am now HOPING to play El Gallo in Shorter College’s new production in Rome, GA.”
November 18, 2000
HI saw The Fantasticks when I went on a trip to New york with my drama club last April. I loved this show so much. At first I thought I wasn’t going to really like it because the theater was so small. But in the end, it was one of the best shows I have ever seen. Keep up the good work!”
November 10, 2000
Thanks for all the information. I am the producer of a dinner theatre in western Canada. We have signed up to do the Fantasticks for our Christmas show. By reading your articles and following your links I have gained a greater understanding of the play and it is quickly becoming one of my favourites.”
November 10, 2000
My parents bought an LP of “The Fantasticks” when I was four. We played that record until it was worn out. I know all the words by heart, have seen it on stage many times. It will always be a huge part of my heart and my life. A couple of years ago, I recorded a tape of “Try to Remember” for James Taylor because I wanted him to ask him to record the most beautiful song of all time. But I found that I couldn’t send just that song, I wanted him to know the context of the song, so sent the whole musical. James never responds to fan mail, and I haven’t heard his version yet, but I hope that he loves the Fantasticks as much as I do.”
October 30, 2000
The Fantasticks has long been one of my favorite shows, and I’m proud to have directed a production that just opened this weekend in Bozeman, Montana. It is really delightful to see the effect that it has on audiences of all ages and backgrounds. The secret of the longevity of The Fantasticks is the fact that it is, in at least some small way, everybody’s story. May it indeed run forever!”
October 26, 2000
I was in The Fantasticks at my high school, and I’m writing a research paper on the show now for my Musical Theater class at NYU. I just love it!”
October 16, 2000
I haven’t seen it yet but anything that’s been running for so long has to be “fantastick”!”
October 09, 2000
Hello, I played the role of Luisa in Mexico City in professional theater for two years, in 1981-83. It was an amazing experience. It was a wonderful suprise to see that you already have a site. If you are interested in having the pictures of the show I will gladly send them to you via email. It would be nice if you had a gallery of your show from around the world. Thank you for writing and producing this wonderful play. It meant a lot in my life and my career. Best wishes and congratulations.”
October 03, 2000
The Fantasticks is our favorite show!! He played El Gallo a couple of years ago! He was terrific. We’ll be in NY in October and will probably come and see it, again!!”
October 03, 2000
October 01, 2000
We have seen the musical plat many times amd we just saw the movie and it is even better. Can you tell us if the movie soundtrack is released?”
October 01, 2000
I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!! I’ve been the musical director/pianist on 5 productions and, as an actor, played both fathers.”
September 28, 2000
this is by-far my all time favoite musical! My father and his younger brother both played El Gallo in this show in their college years. I have been raised on this show and every year i grow with it i learn more…and i’m only 16…i have so many wonderful years to come. i’m glad such a wonderful show has had the staying power to be part of my life so long after it started. please keep it alive for me…thanx”
September 26, 2000
I first saw “The Fantasticks” at The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville in 1978. I saw it again at the Sullivan Street Playhouse in 1979, and I’ve seen several versions since. It remains a favorite, though the “original” NY version I saw was tired and pretty dreadful by the time I saw it. I don’t suppose it’s ever the same show twice…”
September 24, 2000
In 1998, my girlfriend convinced me to see the show on one of our trips to NYC, and it was outstanding. The simplicity of the staging, the book and score, and the intimacy of the Sullivan Street Playhouse all contribute to a, well, a fantastic work of art. We were lucky enough to get tickets to the 40th anniversary show on May 3, 2000 and it was well worth the trip, especially seeing Jones and Schmidt, the producers, the actress who played the original Louisa, etc. I had a small conversation with Bryan Hull (the Old Actor) at the reception after the show, and he was a very down to earth guy. And the pianist and harpist for the show are world class, in my opinion. Going to see it again in November.”
September 23, 2000
I adore The Fantasticks. I saw a production of it at my camp this summer, and I can’t wait to see the off-Broadway production. A bunch of kids from my camp and I are going to go see the movie as a reunion.”
September 23, 2000
Luisa was my first role in high school when I was 14. One of the “funnest” experiences of my life!! Lauren=) ps. the moon turns red on my birthday every year and always will until someone saves me and takes me back to my palace! “
September 22, 2000
This is probably the cutest musical that will ever be known to man.”
September 22, 2000
Saw the show originally in Chicago. When did it open in Chicago?”
September 22, 2000
I first saw the show as a High School production and fell in love with it then, it’s simplicity and universality of the story (even though the school’s staging tried to make is socially relevant to the times [1969]) have kept it a perenial favorite with me. If pressed I could probably still sing a least one verse of every song.”
September 22, 2000
I first saw a production of The Fantasticks when I was 11, and I loved it immediately. Thirty years later, on that same stage, I fulfilled a life-long dream by playing Hucklebee. In between, I saw the Sullivan Street production four times, taking my 9-year-old goddaughter the most recent time. It’s my favorite musical. Congratulations to Tom Jones, Harvey Schmidt, Lore Noto, and everyone who’s ever been associated with the show. I was disappointed on May 3rd when I couldn’t find a 40th-anniversary ad in the Times, but I never thought to look for an official website! Thanks for doing this. Today the movie is finally being released. I hope it’s successful, but I also hope it will add to the Sullivan Street audiences. May the show run for at least another forty years!”
September 21, 2000
I recall being called in to audition for the role of the Boy when I thought I should have been called to play an older part. Thank you for a tremendous boost to my ego!!!”
September 17, 2000
great musical… I’m the Mute in my school’s production of The Fantasticks and I love the whole story and everything”
September 16, 2000
The profound effect that this piece has had on me over the years… I am amazed, still, at how often I find myself learning new lessons from the book and the score every time I read them. We feel lucky that some works of literature/drama exist… for me, THE FANTASTICKS is one of them. Thank you.”
September 15, 2000
I saw a performance of The Fantastick in New York in 1995 and was touched in a way that no other theater performance has touched me. I love it.”
September 13, 2000
I was just cast as MATT today at our high school. We are taking this show to competition in December. I am extremely excited about it and can’t wait to get it started. If anyone out there has any pictures, videos, or hints of past productions…please email me! Thanks alot! AND MAY THIS SHOW RUN FOREVER!”
September 10, 2000
Sorry! Thank you, Schmidt and Jones!!!”
September 10, 2000
Matt was the first lead I ever played on stage with my first love: Louisa Thank you, Harvey and Schmidt”
September 10, 2000
The Fantasticks is probably one of the best musicals ever written and should continue playing forever. It was the second play I had ever directed and in doing so touched my heart very deeply.”
September 09, 2000
Thank you for making this site so informative. I will be directing a college production of this work in Honolulu, HI this coming November at the Kapiolani Community College. It will be a great joy to be involved with a work that I had listened to when I was a teenager in California-30 years ago. I still relate to Luisa’s MUCH MORE—much more after all these years and listenings.”
September 07, 2000
Wonderful play. It opened before I was in high school and now my daughter played the Mute in her high school production.”
September 04, 2000
This has been my favorite musical for over 30 yrs. I just finished directing it in our community theater. One of my voice students, who has trained with me for 4 yrs. played the role of Luisa and was outstanding. She is only 15 and what a promising future she has. Our patrons made remarks like; “the best show we’ve seen at this theater,” “Wonderful!” Just raves and raves. I fulfilled a long standing dream in getting just the right cast together. They were outstanding. I am proud of them all. Thank you for this delightful show.”
September 02, 2000
I am Musical Director/Pianist for the London Musical Theatre production of “The Fantasticks”. We open on Oct. 12/00 and will do 9 shows. I can’t wait. I love this show! I am still looking for a harp player! Hope we can find someone soon! Question: Can you please send me a list of any other Theatre companies that are doing “The Fantasticks” before Oct.12/2000 in Ontario, Michigan or Ohio. Please let me know! Thanks!”


Role breakdown:

The Boy (Matt)
18, an innocent young man; baritone/tenor.(A – high G)

The Girl (Luisa)
16, a romantic idealist; soprano (A below middle C – high C)

The Narrator (El Gallo)
30-40-ish, a rakish, handsome gallant; baritone (A-flat – high G)

The Boy’s Father (Hucklebee)
former navy man, meticulous gardener; baritone (A – high F-sharp)

The Girl’s Father (Bellomy)
a button merchant, also a picky gardener; baritone (A – high F-sharp)

The Actor (Henry)
an aging, over-the-top thespian (non-singing)

The Man Who Dies (Mortimer)
Henry’s goofy sidekick (non-singing)

The Mute,
a speechless presence who watches, acts as the wall,” and so on.
Male or female.

The Fifth Decade

The Fifth Decade
The Fantasticks will complete 41-years on May 3, 2001
Teaching the world about youthful Love

Still fresh after 16,675 performances, the fantasticks transcends generations and outlasts nine presidents

There are no opening night jitters at the Sullivan Street Playhouse in Greenwich Village, where the cast of The Fantasticks is preparing to celebrate the show’s 41st birthday on Wednesday, May 3. On that day, the Fantasticks, the longest running show of any kind in the United States, and the longest running musical in the world, will present its 16,875th performance.

Before the mud of Woodstock there were the love songs of The Fantasticks. Before Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon, before Elizabeth Taylor received an Academy Award for Butterfield 8, and before Wilt Chamberlain completed the first of his seven consecutive years as basketball’s top scorer, “Try To Remember” and “Soon It’s Gonna Rain” from The Fantasticks, were part of our national culture. The Fantasticks has charmed audiences at the Sullivan Street Playhouse in Greenwich Village ever since Dwight Eisenhower was president. Each generation from bobby-soxers to flower children to babyboomers, to cyberkids have embraced the universality of the show. 

Eight times a week, the story unfolds, radiating a timeless sweet and sunniness: the starry-eyed boy and girl next door fall in love, yearn for the dangerous attractions of the world outside, then opt instead for fulfillment in each other’s arms and in hearth and home.

And as proof that a sunny funny musical about love has lasting value, consider that the show’s original 44 investors have received a 19,465% return on their $16,500 total investment. This, in an era when popular culture often seems to dwell on, if not relish in, nihilism and the darker side of life, is a true social phenomenon. 

The Fantasticks has played in every state, in more than 11,103 U.S. productions in over 2,000 cities and towns. It has played at the White House, the Ford Theatre, the Shawnee Mission in Kansas, Yellowstone National Park and in America’s more exotic locales from Carefree, Arizona to Mouth of Wilson, Virginia. Internationally, more than 700 productions have been staged in 67 nations from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. These include including Canada (200+), Germany and Australia (approx. 50 each). Scandinavia has seen more than 45 productions including at least one each year since 1962, when it won an award there as the year’s Outstanding New Theatrical Piece. Japan, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Czechoslovakia, have all seen multiple productions as have such newsworthy locales as Kabul, Afghanistan and Teheran, Iran. Recently, The Fantasticks has also been seen in Dublin, Milan, Budapest, Zimbabwe, Bangkok, and Beijing.

In addition to the original, ongoing, record-breaking run at the Sullivan Street Playhouse, The Fantasticks has established records in San Francisco (1964-1970), at Denver’s Third Eye (1968-73), and in a Los Angeles Youth Production (1964-68).

The creation of Tom Jones (book and lyrics) and Harvey Schmidt (music), The Fantasticks is the world’s longest running show still in its original theater, the world’s longest running musical and the longest running show in American theater history. In addition to an Obie Award and the 1992 Special Tony Award for The Fantasticks, Jones and Schmidt are the recipients of the prestigious ASCAP-Richard Rogers Award for 1993. On February 1, 1999, they were inducted into the Theatre Hall of Fame at the Gershwin Theatre. It has seen nine U.S. presidents. Many of the newspapers which first reviewed it are memories. .

A host of now well-known stars have played in different productions, including Jerry Orbach, F. Murray Abraham, David Canary, Ricardo Montalban, Elliott Gould, Liza Minnelli, Glenn Close, Richard Chamberlain, John Carradine and Ed Ames.

And it seems that if you meet anyone who has acted in a high school or community theater play since 1960, chances are high that the play was The Fantasticks.


Musical Numbers


OVERTURE The Company
METAPHOR Matt and Luisa
NEVER SAY “NO” Hucklebee and Bellomy
IT DEPENDS ON WHAT YOU PAY El Gallo, Hucklebee and Bellomy
HAPPY ENDING Matt, Luisa, Hucklebee and Bellomy


THIS PLUM IS TOO RIPE Matt, Luisa, Hucklebee and Bellomy
I CAN SEE IT El Gallo and Matt
PLANT A RADISH Hucklebee and Bellomy
ROUND & ROUND El Gallo and Luisa
THEY WERE YOU Matt and Luisa